Thursday, August 25, 2011

Caribbean Outfits

Some cute accessories I found that will be most useful by poolside in the Caribbeans. Here are also a few outfits I'm going to take with me. Not that long anymore until we leave...

This is the back of the top: cut buttuns all the way down

I found this skincare line (skin & nutrition) that I thought would be worth testing. The capsules have anti-oxidants and has the ability to protect the skin layer membranes. With the heavy and intense sun, this helps with the moisture level and skin elacticty. 

I love the cream becuase of its lightness. This also contains super-berry extracts, vitamines and arginine that provide anti-oxident protection. The eye cream also has extra vitamins (C, E, peptides and omega, plus the packing is modern and easy to travel with. 

The jumpsuit is really nice when you tie the bottom

Bracelets that stay in shape even when swimming

Sheer beige throw-on for the beaches

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